琥珀抗衰老系列 – BlancSkin | 日本製濕疹護理


消費満HK$500.00 免費送貨(只限香港和澳門)



Sereniux 護膚系列主要由 Kuji Amber(琥珀提取物)(一種来自日本的樹脂化石)配合18種不同植物衍生植物,並用高科技將其轉化為液體形式,成本非常之高。BlancNeige 使用原始的Kuji Amber,是制造商創立的稀有成分,通過獨特技術, 使成為出色的美白效果,它可以顯著增加吸收,同时抑制黑色素細胞。它在促進膠原蛋白快速生長生具有驚人的力量,同時具有抗敏感成分。  







S-line Cleansing Liquid Wash, a gentle cleansing product from the SERENIUX SERIES by BlancNeige, a Japanese skincare brand featuring natural ingredients and patented pure water from Japan.
Sereniux series cleansing liquid wash in white bottle with floral design, surrounded by a glass container with a soft, smooth skin care product

S 煥活潔面液 (Liquid Wash) - 煥活你的肌膚


Sereniux Series Balancing Lotion - Restores skin's elasticity and radiance
Elegant Japanese skincare products with floral accents, including a white Balance Lotion bottle and a pink rose on a soft, white fabric backdrop.

S 水潤緊緻水(Balance Lotion) - 恢復肌膚彈性與光澤


Soothing white rescue mask from Blancskincare's Sereniux series, featuring a delicate floral design on the lid and offering calming and hydrating benefits for sensitive skin.
Sereniux series rescue mask from Blancskincare - a Japanese skincare brand focused on natural ingredients and healing sensitive skin.

S 水光面膜 (Rescue Mask)


Luxurious white skincare jar with floral logo: SERENIUX SERIES anti-aging resist cream restores youthful radiance.
Creamy Japanese anti-aging face cream with applicator, formulated to hydrate and revive skin's youthful radiance.

S 晶潤緊緻霜 (Resist Cream) - 挑戰歲月,恢復青春光彩


Smooth porcelain compact powder from Japanese skincare brand Blancskincare, designed for an ideal, radiant complexion.

S. 光護粉底(Cool Beige CB - 理想白皙肌膚)


Sleek white foundation compact from Blancskincare, your perfect beauty companion with its natural Japanese ingredients.
Elegant Blancskin foundation compact: Portable makeup essential for flawless skin.

S. 光護粉底盒 - 您的完美美容夥伴


Compact skin-tone foundation powder from Blancskincare's SERENIUX SERIES, designed for a natural, healthy complexion.

S. 光護粉底(暖米色 WB - 理想健康膚色)
