商品– 標記為“AT” – BlancSkin | 日本製濕疹護理


消費満HK$500.00 免費送貨(只限香港和澳門)



AT Oil made by Blancskincare, a Japanese skincare brand featuring natural ingredients and purified water from Japan. The product image shows a translucent white bottle with a minimal, botanical-inspired label design.
Nourishing fish oil moisturizer from Blancskin's AT LINE, held in a hand against a neutral background

AT 修復油 (AT Oil) - 深層修復與即時舒緩濕疹的理想解決方案!


Soothing AT Gel facial moisturizer from Japanese skincare brand Blancskin, displayed in a minimalist white bottle with a floral pattern design.
Soothing botanical skincare product with minimalist label design, held in a hand against a neutral background.

AT 舒緩水潤啫喱(AT Gel) - 深層補水、鎖水修復的完美解決方案!


White bottle with a pump dispenser labeled
AT Soap by BlancNeige - Natural Japanese skincare product with a minimalist floral label design

AT全效潤潔泡 (AT Soap) - 深層潔膚與水潤滋養的完美結合


AT爆水精華(AT Lotion) - 讓您的肌膚瞬間充滿水分的終極選擇!


Compact Travel-AT Soap from Japanese Skin Care brand Blancskin. Moisturizing 50ml soap for sensitive skin in a minimalist floral design container.
Relaxing Travel-AT Soap 50ml from Japanese Skin Care brand Blancskin, featuring natural ingredients and pure water from Japan for hydrating, soothing care.

Travel-AT Soap 50ml
